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How to use ripgrep in while read loops

Beware of using rg in a while read block when there’s no path argument.

For example, this loop:

print_search_patterns | while read pattern; do
    # Print a warning if this pattern isn't found in a HTML file.
    matches=$(rg "$pattern" -thtml)
    [[ $matches -eq 0 ]] && echo "Warning: $pattern not found in any HTML files"

will only search the first line of the print_search_patterns output. This happens as rg will consume all of STDIN if no path argument is given.

To avoid this problem either specify a path argument to rg:

print_search_patterns | while read pattern; do
    matches=$(rg "$pattern" -thtml .)  # Note dot argument
    [[ $matches -eq 0 ]] && echo "Warning: $pattern not found in any HTML files"

or explicitly close STDIN:

print_search_patterns | while read pattern; do
    matches=$(rg "$pattern" -thtml </dev/null)  # Note input redirection
    [[ $matches -eq 0 ]] && echo "Warning: $pattern not found in any HTML files"

More info in this rg issue.

A similar problem exists when using ssh in a while read loop (for which it has the -n option).